@misc{Yamauchi_Luspa_Mikhaylova_Brandstrom_2024, title={Kiruna Magnetometer 1 and 5 second Data in ASCII Flat Table Format}, url={https://hpde.io/GBO/NumericalData/Kiruna/Magnetometer/PT1S/ASCII_IAGA2002_FORMAT.html}, DOI={10.48322/ZEPS-0F35}, abstractNote={Kiruna Magnetometer data, 1 and 5 second time resolution, in ASCII IAGA2002 format. Cadence prior to 31 December 1996 is 5 s and after that date is 1 second. Magnetic Field Vector Element List: XYZF.}, publisher={Swedish Institute of Space Physics}, author={Yamauchi, Masatoshi and Luspa, Mats and Mikhaylova, Daria and Brandstrom, Urban}, year={2024} }