@misc{Bougeret_MacDowall_Goetz_Kellogg_2021, title={Wind Radio/Plasma Wave, (WAVES) Hi-Res Parameters CDF}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/WAVES/DS/PT1M}, DOI={10.48322/YS2K-6162}, abstractNote={Wind Waves RAD2, RAD1, and TNR data. RAD1 RAD1 is the low frequency radio astronomy receiver. It sweeps over the range of 20 to 1040 kHz with as many as 256 channels. RAD2 RAD2 is the high frequency radio astronomy receiver. It sweeps over the range of 1.075 to 13.825 MHz with as many as 256 channels. However, some of the time the number of channels is restricted to 16 or 32 so that direction of arrival and polarization information can be obtained. TNR The thermal noise receiver (TNR) is designed to actively track the solar wind plasma frequency. TNR consists of 5 overlapping bands. Each band covers 2 octaves, with the next band beginning at the mid point of the lower band. The overall frequency range is 4 - 256 kHz. }, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Bougeret, Jean-Louis Henry and MacDowall, Robert J. and Goetz, Keith and Kellogg, Paul J.}, year={2021} }