@misc{Lepri_Raines_Ploof_Tracy_Gruesbeck_Eddy_Thomas_2023, title={Wind SMS Suite SupraThermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (SMS/STICS) Energy-Resolved Pitch-Angle Distributions (ERPAs), Level 2 (L2), 30-minute Data in Solar Wind}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SMS/STICS/EnergyResolvedPitchAngleDistribution/Level2/SolarWind/PT30M.html}, DOI={10.48322/YD5H-TY18}, abstractNote={The data include Wind STICS 30-minute Energy-Resolved Pitch-Angle Distributions (ERPAs) for selected ion species using triple coincidence (H+, He+, He2+, C5+, O+, O6+, and Fe10+) and double coincidence (H+, He+, He2+, O+, O6+) measurements in the solar wind. ERPAs organize the data by the angle relative to the magnetic field vector direction, in 7.5 degree bins. The energy separation is preserved at the native resolution of the E/q bins. For details, see https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/wind/documents/wind_stics_lv2_release_notes_revD.pdf .}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Lepri, Susan T. and Raines, Jim M. and Ploof, Keeling C. and Tracy, Patrick J. and Gruesbeck, Jacob R. and Eddy, Tyler J. and Thomas, Jonathan W.}, year={2023}, language={en} }