@misc{Von Rosenvinge_2021, title={Wind Energetic Particle Acceleration, Composition and Transport (EPACT) 92s KP Fluxes}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/EPACT/PT92S}, DOI={10.48322/X9AM-DD03}, abstractNote={This set of key parameter flux data from the Wind EPACT (Energetic Particles: Acceleration, Composition and Transport) telescopes contains fluxes of protons (19-72 MeV in 2 energy bins), He nuclei (0.08-72 MeV/n in 5 bins), CNO nuclei (80-640 MeV/n in 2 bins), O nuclei (3.2-6.2 MeV/n in 1 bin), Fe nuclei (0.08-6.2 MeV/n in 3 bins) and 1-10 MeV electrons, each averaged over 92 seconds.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Von Rosenvinge, Tycho T.}, year={2021} }