@misc{Eriksson_Swisdak_Weygand_Mallet_Newman_Lapenta_Wilson_Turner_Larsen_2022, title={Wind Current Sheet_Exhaust Event List in LMN Coordinates}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/Catalog/Eriksson/WindCurrentSheetExhaustList.html}, DOI={10.48322/TYD4-FW87}, abstractNote={The dataset contains a list of solar wind current sheet exhaust event data derived from Wind interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind plasma observations. The list is described in a peer reviewed article, Eriksson et al. 2022, titled: Characteristics of Multi-Scale Current Sheets in the Solar Wind at 1 AU Associated with Magnetic Reconnection and the Case for a Heliospheric Current Sheet Avalanche. }, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Eriksson, Stefan and Swisdak, M. and Weygand, James M. and Mallet, A. and Newman, D. L. and Lapenta, G. and Wilson, L. B. and Turner, Drew T. and Larsen, B.}, year={2022} }