@misc{Robbrecht_Patsourakos_Vourlidas_2022, title={STEREO SECCHI Cor2 Automated CME Catalog}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/Catalog/STEREO/SECCHI/Cor2/CACTus.html}, DOI={10.48322/S0NK-W757}, abstractNote={Computer Aided CME Tracking, CACTus, autonomously detects coronal mass ejections, CMEs, in image sequences from LASCO or SECCHI. The output of our software is a list of events, similar to the classic catalogs, with principle angle, angular width and velocity estimation for each CME. In contrast to catalogs assembled by human operators, these CME detections by software can be faster, which is especially important in the context of space weather, and possibly also more objective, as the detection criterion is written explicitly in a program. However, the algorithm is not perfect so there are sometimes false detections. This CME list is automatically generated. }, publisher={SECCHI, Naval Research Laboratory}, author={Robbrecht, E. and Patsourakos, S. and Vourlidas, A.}, year={2022} }