@misc{Gold_Roelof_Krimigis_Haggerty_Armstrong_Manweiler_Patterson_2022, title={ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) 1-Hour Level 2 Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ACE/EPAM/L2/PT1H.html}, DOI={10.48322/PN1T-ZX03}, abstractNote={ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) Level 2 intensities at 1-hour time resolution. Calibrated science quality data. The data are accessible via ftp in HDF and CDF from the ACE Science Center and CDAWeb, respectively, and in ASCII format from the value-added interfaces at those sites. The “parameter keys” given below are as used by CDAWeb. Daily and 27-day averages are also available via the ASC paths given on the landing page.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Gold, Robert E. and Roelof, Edmond C. and Krimigis, Stomatios and Haggerty, Dennis and Armstrong, Thomas and Manweiler, Jerry W. and Patterson, J. Douglas}, year={2022} }