@misc{Monstein_Csillaghy_Benz_2023, title={CALLISTO Solar Spectrogram FITS files}, url={https://hpde.io/ISWI/NumericalData/Callisto/FAS/PT0.25S}, DOI={10.48322/PMWD-MK15}, abstractNote={This dataset contains solar dynamic spectrogram FITS files of the CALLISTO spectrometer data from the e-Callisto network of stations. From the website http://e-callisto.org - The CALLISTO spectrometer is a programmable heterodyne receiver built in the framework of IHY2007 and ISWI by former Radio and Plasma Physics Group (PI Christian Monstein) at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. The main applications are observation of solar radio bursts and rfi-monitoring for astronomical science, education and outreach. Many CALLISTO instruments have been deployed. A complete list of stations is available from the website.}, publisher={International Space Weather Initiative}, author={Monstein, Christian and Csillaghy, André and Benz, Arnold O.}, year={2023} }