@misc{Ogilvie_Fitzenreiter_Lazarus_Kasper_Stevens_2021, title={Wind Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) 92-sec Definitive Solar Wind Proton Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SWE/Definitive/PT92S}, DOI={10.48322/NASD-J276}, abstractNote={ This product provides solar wind proton parameters, including anisotropic temperatures, derived by non-linear fitting of the measurements and with moment techniques. Data reported within this product do not exceed the limits of various parameters listed in the following section. There may be more valid data in the original dataset that requires additional work to interpret but were discarded due to the limits. We have tried to exclude non-solar wind data from these files. We provide the one sigma uncertainty for each parameter produced by the non-linear curve fitting analysis either directly from the fitting or by propagating uncertainties for bulk speeds, flow angles or any other derived parameter. For the non-linear anisotropic proton analysis, a scalar thermal speed is produced by determining parallel and perpendicular temperatures, taking the trace, Tscalar = (2Tperp + Tpara)/3 and converting the result back to a thermal speed. The uncertainties are also propagated through.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Ogilvie, Keith W. and Fitzenreiter, Richard J. and Lazarus, Alan J. and Kasper, Justin C. and Stevens, Michael}, year={2021} }