@misc{King_2022, title={Multi-spacecraft bow shock crossing list}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/Catalog/IMP8/MAG/Multisource}, DOI={10.48322/J75X-Q816}, abstractNote={Lists of bow shock crossings observed by the IMP 8, Geotail, Magion-4 and Cluster/Rumba spacecraft. For each crossing, time and spacecraft location are given, plus GSE and GSM components of upstream magnetic field and solar wind velocity, upstream solar wind ion density and temperature, and multiple upstream derived parameters (sonic, Alfvenic and magnetosonic speeds and Mach numbers, plasma beta and flow pressure, IMF clock and cone angles). In addition, for IMP 8 only, several additional parameters are given, including downstream density, shock strength, and various flags related to data quality, etc.). The data are extensively documented at the value-added interface and references therein. }, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility, OMNIWeb plus}, author={King, Joseph H.}, year={2022} }