@misc{Lessard_2023, title={RENU2 UltraViolet PhotoMultiplier Tube (UVPMT) Atomic Oxygen Density, High Time Resolution (H0), 42 ms Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/RENU2/UVPMT/PT0.042S.html}, DOI={10.48322/F1C4-B375}, abstractNote={Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling 2, RENU2, UltraViolet PhotoMultiplier Tube, UVPMT, Counts. The UVPMT Instrument is used to observe Atomic Oxygen Signatures in Sunlight, that is, above the Payload.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Lessard, Marc R.}, year={2023}, language={en} }