@misc{Luhmann_Galvin_Russell_Papitashvili_2023, title={Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-B (STEREO-B), Hourly Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/STEREO-B/IMPACT_PLASTIC/COHOWEB/PT1H.html}, DOI={10.48322/EBXV-SX24}, abstractNote={The SPDF Coordinated Heliospheric Observations Web, COHOWeb, hourly and daily Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory-A, STEREO-B, data were made by using high resolution data from from CDAWeb. The STEREO-A COHO file include data derived from the STEREO-A In-Situ Measurements of Particles and CME Transients, IMPACT, Fluxgate Magnetometer data, Thermal Plasma Moments: Solar Wind Proton and Ion Densities, Speeds, Velocity Vector Flow Angles, and Temperatures from the STEREO-A Plasma and Supra-Thermal Ion Composition, PLASTIC, Instrument, and Energetic Particle Fluxes from the STEREO-A IMPACT Solar Energetic Particle, SEP, Instrument Suite including the Low Energy Telescope, LET, High Energy Telescope, HET, and Suprathermal Ion Telescope, SIT. COHOWeb’s magnetic field hourly averages were created at GSFC/SPDF by averaging over the six 10-min averages falling within each hour. Hourly plasma parameter data were obtained from UNH via http://fiji.sr.unh.edu/1dmax_ascii/.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Luhmann, Janet G. and Galvin, Antoinette B. and Russell, Christopher T. and Papitashvili, Natalia E.}, year={2023}, language={en} }