@misc{Millan_Woodger_McCarthy_Sample_Smith_Rexroad_2021, title={BARREL 4G X-ray Spectrometer (XSPC) Bremsstrahlung X-ray, 30-channel Spectrum, Level 2, 0.05 s Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/BARREL/4G/ExtraSpectra/L2/PT0.05S.html}, DOI={10.48322/9BJD-AQ22}, abstractNote={XSPC: 30 channels of fast time resolution, 50 ms, Bremsstrahlung X-ray spectra. The channel count data are in raw format. The energy levels for bins in each record are tracked in the support data variable named energy. NOTE: Unlike other BARREL products, these data are not filtered by altitude as the data below 25 km are not removed. The measurement altitude should be checked in the EPHM file for the time period you are interested in before use.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Millan, Robyn and Woodger, Leslie and McCarthy, Michael and Sample, John and Smith, David and Rexroad, Warren}, year={2021}, language={en} }