@misc{Whittlesey_Larson_Rahmati_2020, title={PSP Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) SPAN-A Full 3D Electron Spectra, Level 2 (L2), 14 s Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ParkerSolarProbe/SWEAP/SPAN-A/Level2/ProtonAlphaFull3D/PT14S}, DOI={10.48322/7J5C-ZG65}, abstractNote={The SF0 products are the Full 3D Electron spectra from each individual SPAN-E instrument, SPAN-Ae and SPAN-B. Units are in differential energy flux, degrees, and eV. One spectrum comprises decreasing steps in Energy specified by the number in the filename, alternating sweeps in Theta/Deflection, also specified by the number in the filename, and a number of Phi/Anode directions, also specified by the number in the filename. The sample filename above includes 16 Anodes, 8 Deflections, and 32 Energies. This data set covers all periods for which the instrument was turned on and taking data in the solar wind in “Full Sweep”, normal cadence survey mode. This includes maneuvers affecting the spacecraft attitude and orientation. Measurements taken by SPAN-B during cruise phase periods when the spacecraft is pointed away from the sun are taken in sunlight.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Whittlesey, Phyllis and Larson, Davin E. and Rahmati, Ali}, year={2020} }