@misc{Angelopoulos_Carlson_McFadden_2023, title={THEMIS-B: ESA electron/ion energy fluxes and moments}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/THEMIS/B/ESA/PT3S.html}, DOI={10.48322/7G3T-F085}, abstractNote={THEMIS-B: Electrostatic Analyzers (ESA): Electron/Ion Ground-Calculated Energy Fluxes (5eV - 25 keV for Ions and 6eV - 30 KeV for Electrons) and Moments (density, velocity, pressure, and temperature). The satellite has 2 modes Fast and Slow survey and 3 data types: FULL, REDUCED and BURST. FULL: 88 angles x 32 energies, time resolution of 128 spins(395 seconds) in slow survey and 32 spins(98 seconds) in fast survey. REDUCED: spin time resolution(3 sec) but angles averaged into 1 angular spectra x 32 energies in slow survey or 6 angular spectra(90 degree x 90 degree window) x 32 energies in fast survey. BURST: 88 angles x 32 energies and spin time resolution(3 sec) but only available sporadically and for short duration. Note that angular resolution affects moments since they are obtained integrating over the mode-specific angular distribution. These moments are processed on the ground. They should be regarded as approximations but will improve in quality as our processing routines are improved over the course of the mission to account for additional sources of variance.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Angelopoulos, Vassilis and Carlson, Charles W. and McFadden, James P.}, year={2023}, language={en} }