@misc{Williams_2023, title={Apollo 15 Solar Wind Measurements at the Lunar Surface 1-HR Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Apollo15-LM/SWS/PT1HR.html}, DOI={10.48322/70QP-JJ13}, abstractNote={This data set contains hourly averaged plasma parameters from the Apollo 15 Solar Wind Spectrometer. Four sets of hourly averaged parameters are computed, using as input data -- (1) all fine-time scale parameters (FTSP), (2) all FTSP computed from spectra with small rms error on curve fitting and thermal speeds less than one-half the bulk velocity, (3) all FTSP computed from spectra that satisfy the requirements of criterion 2 as well as having only one flow angle that can be directly measured, and (4) all FTSP computed from spectra that satisfy the requirements of criterion 2 as well as having both flow angles directly measureable. Contained in each of the 4 sets of averages are the proton density, alpha-to-proton ratio, bulk speed, angle of flow, number of spectra, and rms deviations of each average.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Williams, David R.}, year={2023}, language={en} }