@misc{Kasper_Stevens_Ogilvie_Fitzenreiter_2021, title={Wind SWE Faraday Cup Ion Distribution and Charge Flux at 92 sec}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SWE/FaradayCup/IonDistribution/PT92S}, DOI={10.48322/6VRG-6N41}, abstractNote={This data set contains three-dimensional measurements of ions from two Faraday Cups onboard the WIND SWE (Solar Wind Experiment) in the energy range 150 eV to 8 keV. Placed 15 degree above and below equatorial plane of the spacecraft, the Faraday Cups provide positive ion charge flux in picoAmperes as a function of epoch, cup number, orientation angle, and bias grid potential. For each time point, a full spectrum is comprised of charge flux measurements at the two Faraday Cup sensors at 20 azimuth angles for each of 31 energy-per-charge windows (1240 data points per spectrum). Spectra are built up over approximately 92-second intervals. The effective area of the Faraday Cup sensor as a function of incidence angle onto the cup is also provided. See more in Ogilvie et al., “SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft”, Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1995.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Kasper, Justin C. and Stevens, Michael and Ogilvie, Keith and Fitzenreiter, Richard J.}, year={2021} }