@misc{Bougeret_MacDowall_2023, title={STEREO WAVES (SWAVES) Radio Intensity Spectra, both Ahead and Behind s/c}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/STEREO/SWAVES/DS/Combined/PT1M.html}, DOI={10.48322/6RA3-PG21}, abstractNote={The CDF file contains 1 minute averaged radio intensity data from both the Ahead and Behind s/c. A description of the STEREO/WAVES instrument is provided in: Bougeret, J.L, et al. (2008), S/WAVES: The Radio and Plasma Wave Investigation on the STEREO Mission, Space Science Reviews, 136, 487-528. The STEREO / WAVES (SWAVES) instruments provide unique and critical observations for all primary science objectives of the STEREO mission, the generation of CMEs, their evolution, and their interaction with Earth’s magnetosphere. SWAVES can probe a CME from lift-off to Earth by detecting the coronal and interplanetary (IP) shock of the most powerful CMEs, providing a radial profile through spectral imaging, determining the radial velocity from ~2 RS (from center of sun) to Earth, measuring the density of the volume of the heliosphere between the sun and Earth, and measuring important in situ properties of the IP shock, magnetic cloud, and density compression in the fast solar wind stream that follows. SWAVES measures the fluctuation electric field present on three orthogonal monopole antennas mounted on the back (anti-sunward) surface of the spacecraft. Each monopole antenna unit is a 6 m long Beryllium-Copper (BeCu) "stacer" spring. The three units deploy from a common baseplate that also accommodates the preamplifier housing. The 6 m length was chosen to put the antenna quarter-wave resonance near the top of the SWAVES HFR2 frequency band. These data consist of output from the SWAVES HFR and LFR receivers. - the High Frequency Receivers (HFR) - for spectral analysis and direction finding of radio noise generated from a few solar radii (16 MHz) to about half an Astronomical Unit (125 kHz) - the Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) - for spectral analysis and direction finding from about half an Astronomical Unit (160 kHz) to one AU (2.5 kHz).}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Bougeret, Jean-Louis Henry and MacDowall, Robert J.}, year={2023}, language={en} }