@misc{Gold_Roelof_Krimigis_Haggerty_Armstrong_Manweiler_Patterson_2022, title={ACE Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) LEMS30 MFSA, Solar Wind Frame, Sectored Z>1 Ion Fluxes, Hourly Averages}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ACE/EPAM/LEMS30/MFSA/SolarWindFrame/Sectored/HeavyIon/Fluxes/PT1H.html}, DOI={10.48322/6QQ5-5A30}, abstractNote={Hourly-averaged sectored Z>1 ion fluxes from the MF Spectrum Analyzer of the ACE/EPAM LEMS30 instrument. All energies thresholds take into account the incident particle type, shielding, and inactive dead-layer of the solid state detector. All fluxes are background corrected and are in the solar wind rest frame.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Gold, Robert E. and Roelof, Edmond C. and Krimigis, Stomatios and Haggerty, Dennis and Armstrong, Thomas P. and Manweiler, Jerry W. and Patterson, J. Douglas}, year={2022} }