@misc{Cohen_Mauk_Burch_2022, title={MMS 4 Energetic Particle Detector, Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EPD-EIS) Pulse Height by Time of Flight, Level 2 (L2), Burst Mode, 0.605 s Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/MMS/4/EnergeticParticleDetector/EIS/Burst/Level2/PulseHeightByTimeOfFlight/PT0.605S.html}, DOI={10.48322/4WKX-QJ86}, abstractNote={Energetic Particle Detector (EPD), Energetic Ion Spectrometer (EIS) Pulse Height by Time of Flight, Level 2, Burst Survey, 0.605 s Data. The EIS provides ion composition measurements (protons versus oxygen ions) and angular distributions over the energy range from approximately 45 to 500 keV.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Cohen, Ian J. and Mauk, Barry H. and Burch, James L.}, year={2022}, language={en} }