@misc{Helliwell_Katsufrakis_Li_Spasojevic_Harid_Cohen_Golkowski_Inan_2019, title={Siple Experiment broadband VLF data}, url={https://hpde.io/ISWI/NumericalData/SipleExperiment/VLF/PT0.00004S}, DOI={10.48322/44Y4-4J02}, abstractNote={The Siple Station experiment ran from 1973-1988, during which time a long horizontal ELF transmitter was erected over a thick ice sheet in Antarctica, described by Raghuram et al [1974]. The transmitter broadcast tones and frequency ramps to probe the magnetosphere’s excitation and response to injected ELF/VLF signals, including amplification and triggered emissions from wave-particle interactions, along with natural signals like whistlers and chorus.}, publisher={Worldwide Archive of Low frequency Data and Observations}, author={Helliwell, R. and Katsufrakis, J.P. and Li, J.D. and Spasojevic, M. and Harid, V. and Cohen, M.B. and Golkowski, M. and Inan, U.}, year={2019} }