@misc{Lazarus_Candey_Kasper_Ogilvie_Fitzenreiter_2021, title={ Wind/SWE 92-s Proton Key Parameters}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SWE/IonMoments/KeyParameter/PT99S}, DOI={10.48322/3ZKY-GY15}, abstractNote={Wind SWE 92-s proton density, thermal speed and flow velocity vectors (key parameters), plus spacecraft position vectors. Various versions differ slightly from each other. The version at MIT has GSE flow velocity in Cartesian and spherical representations and GSE Cartesian position vectors. The version at both nssdcftp and FTPBrowser has temperature instead of thermal speed, and has no flow direction angles. The CDAWeb version has flow velocity and spacecraft position vectors in both GSE and GSM coordinates, has flow pressure (NmV**2), and has velocity and density quality flags. The data were progressively despiked in passing from CDAWeb to MIT to nssdcftp/FTPBrowser.}, publisher={ MIT_CSR; NASA Space Physics Data Facility }, author={Lazarus, Alan J. and Candey, Robert M. and Kasper, Justin C. and Ogilvie, Keith and Fitzenreiter, Richard J.}, year={2021} }