@misc{Gurnett_Menietti_2023, title={Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, High Frequency Waveform Receiver, 2 kHz, Time Domain Fields}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/POLAR/PWI/LHFWR/2kHz/PT0.000224S.html}, DOI={10.48322/32D0-DB83}, abstractNote={PWI>Plasma Wave Instrument Reference: Gurnett, D.A., et al., The Polar Plasma Wave Instrument, Space Science Reviews, Vol. 71, pp. 597-622, 1995. donald-gurnett@uiowa.edu An FFT on 2048 values was used in calibrating the data; i.e., perform FFT, calibrate in frequency domain, perform inverse FFT to get calibrated time series. The coordinate system used is local magnetic field-aligned, a spacecraft centered coordinate system where Z is parallel to the local B-field determined from Polar MFE, X points outward and lies in the plane defined by the Z-axis and the radial vector from the earth to the spacecraft, and Y completes a right-handed system and points eastward. The X- and Z-axes are contained in the north-south plane. Effective Bandwidth is 1.5*delta_f, where delta_f depends on the size of the FFT used to convert to the frequency domain, and delta_t. The unattenuated frequency range for this file type is 20Hz to 2000Hz. These data come in snapshots of 2048 samples per channel, every 128.8 seconds, with a cadence equal to the inverse of the sampling rate (4464 Hz), and individual time tags given in CDF TT2000 format. For a description of the PWI receivers and the different operational modes see https://space.physics.uiowa.edu/plasma-wave/polar/modes.html}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Gurnett, Donald A. and Menietti, J. Douglas}, year={2023}, language={en} }