@misc{Lepri_Raines_Ploof_Tracy_Gruesbeck_Eddy_Thomas_2023, title={Wind SMS Suite SupraThermal Ion Composition Spectrometer (SMS/STICS) Ion Moments, Level 2 (L2), 3-minute Data in Solar Wind}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SMS/STICS/Moments/Level2/SolarWind/PT3M.html}, DOI={10.48322/2MH5-QW88}, abstractNote={The data include Wind STICS 3-minute density (0th moment) and mean value of the energy distribution (1st moment), together with their statistical errors, for selected ion species using triple coincidence (H+, He+, He2+, C5+, O+, O6+, and Fe10+) and double coincidence (H+, He+, He2+, O+, O6+) measurements in the solar wind. For details, see https://spdf.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/data/wind/documents/wind_stics_lv2_release_notes_revD.pdf .}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Lepri, Susan T. and Raines, Jim M. and Ploof, Keeling C. and Tracy, Patrick J. and Gruesbeck, Jacob R. and Eddy, Tyler J. and Thomas, Jonathan W.}, year={2023}, language={en} }