@misc{Ogilvie_Kasper_Stevens_Fitzenreiter_2021, title={Wind Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) Electron Moments Parameters (6-12s rate) (1994-2001)}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/Wind/SWE/H0/PT06S}, DOI={10.48322/2JXP-7X36}, abstractNote={Wind SWE electron moments included in this data set are derived from the velocity moments integration of solar wind electron distributions measured by the Wind/SWE VEIS instrument (see Ogilvie et al., “SWE, a comprehensive plasma instrument for the WIND spacecraft”, Space Sci. Rev., 71, 55, 1955). Moments parameters are computed from 3s measurements which are spaced either 6s or 12s in time. The moments parameters which will be of value to most users of this data set are the electron temperature, the electron temperature anisotropy, and the electron heat flux vector. These quantities are reliable and citable with caution, meaning that the PI advises that the user should discuss their interpretation with a member of the SWE science team before publishing.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Ogilvie, Keith W. and Kasper, Justin C. and Stevens and Fitzenreiter, Richard J.}, year={2021} }