@misc{Bale_Dudok de Wit_Malaspina_Goodrich_Pulupa_Quinn_Schroeder_2020, title={PSP FIELDS Digital Fields Board (DFB) AC-coupled Searchcoil Magnetometer, SCM, Spectra, Medium Frequency, High Gain, x-component, Sensor coordinates, Level 2 (L2), 0.873813 s Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ParkerSolarProbe/FIELDS/DFB/Level2/AC/Spectra/SCM/X/MediumFrequency/HighGain/PT0.873813S}, DOI={10.48322/16QY-W286}, abstractNote={PSP FIELDS Digital Fields Board, DFB, SCMvlfhg data: The DFB is the low frequency, less than 75 kHz, component of the FIELDS experiment on the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft. For a full description of the FIELDS experiment. DFB AC spectra data consist of power spectral densities as a function of frequency and time. These spectra are averaged over both frequency and time. The Level 2 data products contained in this data file have been calibrated for: The Hanning window used in the spectral calculation, DFB in-band gain, DFB analog filter gain response, DFB digital filter gain response the search coil preamplifier response, and the bandwidth of each spectral bin. }, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Bale, Stuart D. and Dudok de Wit, Thierry and Malaspina, David M. and Goodrich, Katherine A. and Pulupa, Marc and Quinn, Timothy and Schroeder, Peter}, year={2020} }