@misc{Russell_1987, title={ISEE 2 magnetometer 1-min data at CDAWeb}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ISEE2/MAG/PT1M.html}, DOI={10.21978/P8T923}, abstractNote={This data set contains magnetic field component and magnitude averages every minute, with components given in spacecraft, GSE and GSM coordinates. Standard deviations in the averages are given, as are differences between the averages and model field vectors. Geocentric (GSE and GSM) spacecraft position information is given, as is ISEE1-ISEE2 separation vector information. ISEE 2 spin vector direction and ISEE 2 velocity vector information, relative to the Earth and to ISEE 1, are given. Miscellaneous other parameters are also given.}, publisher={University of California, Los Angeles and NASA’s Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Russell, Christopher T.}, year={1987} }