@article{McPherron_2019, title={The relation of N-S auroral streamers to auroral expansion revealed by THEMIS ASI movies for 14 March 2008.}, url={http://vmo.igpp.ucla.edu/data1/McPherron/}, DOI={10.21978/P8RW5G}, abstractNote={Supplementary THEMIS ASI movies for 14 March 2008 for Journal Of Geophysical Research publication. Luminosity is registered onto a uniform grid and projected geographically to the altitude of the ionosphere at about 110 km. Each image is 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels and there are 2400 frames in each movie. Some of the ASI cameras are clouded over and there are fixed lights in some images and light reflected off the dome as well. There is moon light contamination is in all the non-cloudy images.}, publisher={Regents University of California}, author={McPherron, Robert}, year={2019} }