@misc{Bale_Malaspina_Chasapis_Pulupa_Quinn_Schroeder_2020, title={PSP FIELDS Digital Fields Board (DFB) AC-coupled Differential Voltage, V1-V2 Antennae, Dipole Mode, Bandpass filtered, High Gain, Sensor coordinates, Level 2 (L2), 0.873813 s Data}, url={https://hpde.io/NASA/NumericalData/ParkerSolarProbe/FIELDS/DFB/Level2/AC/BandpassFilter/DV12/HighGain/PT0.873813S}, DOI={10.48322/Y8GB-3N29}, abstractNote={PSP FIELDS Digital Fields Board, DFB, dV12 data: The DFB is the low frequency, less than 75 kHz, component of the FIELDS experiment on the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft. DFB AC bandpass data consist of peak and average values of the absolute value of bandpassed time series waveform data over a time interval equal to the reporting cadence. The AC bandpass data have the peak response frequency of each bin reported in the metadata. The time resolution of the DFB AC bandpass filtered data can vary by multiples of 2^N. During encounter when PSP is within 0.25 AU of the Sun, the DFB AC bandpass filtered data cadence is typically 1/8 of a NYsecond. Timestamps correspond to the center time of each window.}, publisher={NASA Space Physics Data Facility}, author={Bale, Stuart D. and Malaspina, David M. and Chasapis, Alexandros and Pulupa, Marc and Quinn, Timothy and Schroeder, Peter}, year={2020} }